The National Lottery Heritage Fund is accepting applications for grants from £3,000 to £10,000 and £10,000 to £100,000 for projects that are focused on inclusion, led by and/or engaging diverse groups typically under-represented in heritage (for example, young people, minority ethnic and LGBT+ communities, disabled people and people from lower socio-economic backgrounds). This work could include:
- exploring different generations, communities and their history
- mental health and historic environments
- youth-led history focused projects
- LGBT+ heritage
Heritage can be anything from the past that you value and want to pass on to future generations. Heritage can mean different things to different people. Take a look at the example case studies linked in the further support section below if you would like some ideas on the types of projects they have funded. As a guide, heritage could include:
- people’s memories and experiences (often recorded as ‘oral history’)
- cultural traditions (for example, stories, festivals, crafts, music and dance)
- nature (for example, habitats, species and geology)
- natural and designed landscapes such as parks and gardens
- community archaeology
- historic buildings, monuments and environments
- collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives
- histories of people and communities or places and events
- the heritage of languages and dialects
- places and objects linked to our industrial, maritime and transport history
For grants between £3,000 to £100,000, no contribution is required from you. However, you should consider whether other funders, organisations or people might be able to support your project, either with cash, or non-cash contributions.
Who can apply?
Organisations or partnerships leading inclusion focused projects led by and/or engaging diverse groups (such as young people, minority ethnic and LGBT+ communities, disabled people and people from lower socio-economic backgrounds). This includes organisations that own, manage or care for heritage, or organisations which deliver activity that engages and connects people with heritage. Applications are welcome from community groups that are not heritage-based but can deliver heritage focused activity and have not previously received a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund. As a guide this includes:
- charities, trusts and charitable incorporated organisations
- community and voluntary groups
- community/parish councils
- community interest companies
- faith based or church organisations
What can be funded?
This funding will support activity that is led by and/or engages diverse groups typically under-represented in heritage, such as young people, minority ethnic and LGBT+ communities, disabled people and people from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Examples of costs:
- introducing new ways of working
- advice from professionals, for example, on risk, safety, how to support your staff or on new business models
- increasing your digital capacity and activities
- testing and consulting on new activities that will help your organisation to adapt or recover
- activities to enable your organisation to reach and engage audiences through digital routes
- activities to develop or broaden your audiences
- activities that engage diverse groups in heritage
- adjustments and support for access and participation
- full cost recovery (for projects over £10,000)
How to apply
Further information and support
- Further information
- Download National Lottery Heritage Fund case studies
- If you are a charity or voluntary group in Reading and would like support with your application, contact Herjeet at