This is notice of the formal bidding process through the open market and also through the third sector process for Office 2 at South Street Arts Centre or short-term lease for up to 5 years for £3,500 per annum on an inclusive basis (building’s insurance, utilities, business rates). The bidding process is now open, and closes at 12 noon on 27 October 2021.
The application process
- Applications and accompanying documents should be sent via email to RBC Voluntary and Community Sector Team at the email address:
- Officers will assess bids on the basis of the value provided to Reading Borough Council of releasing the property in accordance with the council’s Third Sector Premises Policy Statement to a local voluntary organisation, based on the contribution to the council’s priorities as set out in the Corporate Plan.
- An application form and scoring system for bids are available from the contact listed below.
- All bids received from the voluntary sector will be reported to Policy Committee.
Interested organisations should submit a bidding application form based on the following:
- Proposal for use of the property: please provide an outline of your proposed use of the property and how this will benefit local council taxpayers, addressing the priorities of the Corporate Plan:
- Safeguarding and protecting those that are most vulnerable
- Providing the best life through education, early help and healthy living
- Providing homes for those in most need
- Keeping the town clean, safe, green and active
- Providing infrastructure to support the economy
- Remaining financially sustainable to deliver these service priorities
- Basis of your offer: please state whether the offer is subject to any terms and conditions such as building survey, planning permission, third party funding etc.
- Building summary: please set out a summary of the building in terms of current condition, potential opportunities and suitability for your proposed use. Please set out in sufficient detail a programme of any maintenance or improvement works you would wish to carry out at the property together with a cost summary and any related dependencies such as Listed status, Building Regulations, Planning Permission etc.
- Supporting information: please complete the application form with the following information to support your bid:
- Details of your bid offer
- Details of your organisational structure including legal status, constitution, terms of reference etc
- Audited / independently examined accounts for the last 3 financial years
- Evidence of your experience in managing a property, including managing a Listed property
- Evidence of access to an experienced property manager on an ongoing basis
- A description of your current activity in Reading and how it has benefited local communities or added value to local services
- Business Plan and budget to support your proposal specifically addressing matters relating to the proposed use and the building condition
Legal costs
The purchaser to pay the council’s reasonable legal costs including any abortive costs should a transaction not complete.
All viewings by appointment only by contacting:
- John Luther
- Email:
- Direct Line: 0118 937 2394
- Mobile: 07740 490408
Further information
For information and advice on the third sector bidding process and for a copy of the application form and scoring system, please contact Reading Voluntary Action’s Advice Service Manager, Herjeet Randhawa by emailing