Reading UK, Reading Borough Council and The University of Reading are working together to develop a place story and marketing approach for Reading. This will help celebrate the best of Reading, build civic pride, confidence in Reading, market the area to attract inward investment, create jobs, and support existing business.
They will be holding two ‘virtual’ workshops in September, to understand more about Reading from the people that live and work here. As a voluntary organisation in Reading, your views will be vital in helping shape a powerful story for our town. The workshops will be facilitated by place specialists, thinkingplace, and will be hosted via Zoom. During the session, there will be opportunities to break into smaller groups, so that everyone can get involved and share their thoughts – but most importantly, the workshops are designed to be light-hearted and fun!
If you would like to get involved, please register today. You’ll receive a confirmation email once registered and full joining instructions with further information will follow ahead of your chosen session.