Does your community or your service users need support and reassurance to access the Covid-19 vaccine?
Just over 50,000 people in Reading have yet to have their first dose. Scientific data shows that vaccines are our best protection from the dangerous effects of Covid-19, even as new variants emerge.
Reading Voluntary Action are working to improve information and access so that that no one is left behind. As part of this work, we will have access to vaccines and vaccinators in January to March 2021 that can be at venues in Reading.
Do you have a community you think would benefit?
Do you have a venue that could host friendly, supportive vaccinators and staff to ensure that people feel comfortable when having their vaccine?
If you would think this is something you could provide, and would like to discuss this further, please get in touch with Azra Raja who is leading this on behalf of RVA. Please call 07485 327946 or email by Monday 13 December.
Final decisions on host venues will be dependent on a variety of factors including need and venue suitability. For host venues and community groups, RVA will provide a named contact for one to one liaison and support, a small amount of funding and communication materials to help promote the event. We will be with community groups and venues every step of the way to ensure that we can meet the needs of those who need to access their vaccine.
Further information
Voluntary sector vaccine support – helpline and information page