Live online activities and meet-ups

These are only a selection of live online meetups, so check out the websites of charities and community groups that interest you and see if they are also running a live session that you could join. If you are new to the internet, here’s a handy RVA guide to getting online.

Online chatty cafes and tables

In the last few years, ‘chatty tables’ have been appearing in local cafes and pubs across the UK, offering a place where people can go to have an informal chat and meet others over a cuppa or a pint.  Here are a few online versions to try out.

  • The Chatty Café scheme (national). We run online Virtual Chatty Cafes. We do them on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 1pm on Zoom and everyone is welcome. They last for 30 minutes and lots of people who join tell us we are the only faces they will see that day. These zoom sessions are for anyone aged 18 and over, there is no agenda – just chat and company.
    We have people join from all over the UK. All anyone needs to do to join is email for the Zoom link. The link remains the same so you can join any session you wish. We look forward to meeting you!
  • Frazzled Cafe (national). Frazzled Café is a registered charity that operates with the purpose of providing a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment where people who are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by the stresses of modern life can meet on a regular basis to talk and share their personal stories. Rhiannon Stocking-Williams from RVA participated in a Frazzled Café session recently – check out this RVA News article to see how she got on.
Themed groups
  • The Virtual Village Hall is a programme of themed online activities from the Royal Voluntary Service, designed to enjoy at home. Sessions are led by expert tutors,  activity coordinators, volunteers and some well-known faces, and require very little space or equipment. You’ll find a wide range of sessions to take part in, like creative arts and crafts, music and singing, cooking and baking, dance and exercise, and technology skills. Join in with live sessions or catch up on demand when suits it you.
  • Berkshire Vision have a Remote Activities Programme. Click here for their latest events listing. Participants don’t need to have a computer or internet access as they can dial in from any telephone. Berkshire Vision are happy to continue taking new referrals, either for this programme and/or 1:1 telephone befriending calls. Read more on the Berkshire Vision website.
  • SENSE; for people with complex disabilities – Activities at home
    All these activities for disabled people are designed to be done at home, whenever it suits you, to get you moving, creating and exploring! You might also be interested in our scheduled activities where you can join others in sport, exercise, dance and music, online or in person. Arts, sport, wellbeing, dance, exercise, games, music, performance, visual.
Other live online activities
  • The Workers’ Education Association (WEA) is offering over 500 courses online, including ESOL, Community Interpreting and a wide range of community learning courses,  free of charge this summer. In addition to formal courses the WEA has also extended their offer to include informal drop-in and taster sessions.  Participants can join one of their regular sessions for some bite-size learning or even simply a chat and the chance to make a connection.  You can find out more here:
  • Royal Collection Trust Community Zoom Programme
    The Community Zoom talks run as part of the inclusion programme, which aims to make the Official Residences of The King and the Royal Collection as accessible as possible to people who cannot easily visit. They work with community partners who support under-represented, disadvantaged and disabled people. You can find out more here:

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