Browns Community Service is a registered community interest company (CIC) working with women with vulnerable and complex needs. We give support and advice to socially excluded and disadvantaged people living within the community, from the age of 18.
We aim to:
Empower socially excluded and vulnerable people, using holistic and innovative ways, to become valuable members of society
Help to reduce reoffending with community based preventive support to those at risk of offending or exploitation
Empower, educate, encourage and support all Browns’ service users on their pathway into employment.
Type of organisation
Legal status
Community interest company
Main activity
Advice or information
AdultsFamiliesCouples or partnersFemaleMaleLGBTLow income (People on)Offenders or ex-offendersVictims of crime
Area of activity
South East Region
Registered company number
RVA member
Not specified
Not specified
Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified