Learning from Safeguarding Adults reviews – free webinar

Friday 24 November 2023

This is a free webinar as part of Safeguarding Adults Week 2023.

A summary of the learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews, with a focus on:

  • the Mental Capacity Act
  • Professional Curiosity
  • Multi-Agency working
  • Risk Assessments
  • Powers of Section 11 of the Care Act and how this overrides consent
  • Emerging themes

Presenter: Jane Hitching, Principal Social Worker, Reading Borough Council

This session is open to all health and social care staff and those volunteering and working for voluntary and community groups in the West Berkshire area (which includes Reading).

This is an online TEAMS session. Please book your place in advance through this link.

Type of event
Event theme
Social care
Event date
24 November 2023
Start time
End time
Address line 1
online via Teams
Wheelchair accessible?
Not specified