Connecting communities in Reading
- Get Online Reading – A team of volunteers providing support for residents who need help accessing the internet and digital services.
- Ready Friends – Exploring ways to alleviate loneliness and social isolation in our communities.
- Social Prescribing – Linking people up with activities or services in the community that they might benefit from. It’s about connecting people to non-medical sources of support.
Improving the lives of young people and families
- One Reading Children and Young People’s Partnership – RVA is part of this multi-agency partnership committed to delivering better outcomes for children, young people and families, and developing a local consensus on how to work together. Find free professional development resources here and subscribe to the monthly newsletter here.
- The Parent Employment Wellbeing project (PEW) is for parents who are over the age of 16, not in employment, not furloughed and living in Reading. It offers free, clear, non-judgemental and confidential information, advice, guidance and support to help parents progress towards and into training, courses, voluntary work and employment.
- Stronger Together – a Building Better Opportunities project, funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund – is now finished. It ran from 1 October 2017 until 30 June 2020. The project web pages are retained for reference. The project helped unemployed people aged 25 or older who need support to get into work, start a business, or just move closer towards these goals.
Supporting the voluntary sector to grow and thrive
- RVA News – subscribe to our weekly newsletter for news, jobs, funding opportunities, events and training.
- Community Building Network –Facilitating network meetings to enable groups managing community buildings to share information and experiences.
- Trustee Network – Providing support and information for trustees. Email to get involved.