Team Reading – Vaccine rollout stage 2 – additional volunteers needed

Article date
10 March 2021
Primary interest

As many of you will recall, just before Christmas we put out a call for volunteers to support the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine in Reading.

In common with previous requests for support, we were overwhelmed by responses and just short of 100 Team Reading volunteers have assisted during the initial months of the vaccine programme in the town.

At the  Central and Whitley Primary Care Network vaccine hub at Garden Hall, volunteers have worked through wind, rain, snow and shine over the past two months to help ensure the successful delivery of the first dose of vaccine to over 7000 of the town’s most vulnerable residents, clocking up over 1300 volunteer hours and being nominated for a High Sheriff Award in the process!

We are now seeking to add additional volunteers to the call list to help support the work of the hub in the coming weeks and months as the programme enters into its next phase. We are particularly keen to add people who are likely to be available after wider sections of the economy starts to reopen in April and May. However, there will be opportunities to help out both during the week and at weekends.

Shifts will normally run between 9am-2pm and 2pm-6:30pm. Volunteers help with a number of roles but all will require you to spend an extended period of time on your feet and outside whatever the weather.

By completing the form found HERE* you will be added to the call list which will mean we will contact you regularly to ask about your availability to help out on specific days. Based on those responses we will then create a rota and allocate shifts.

New volunteers will be incorporated into the team gradually, so it may be a few weeks before you are called to help, depending on how many people come forward.

*If you completed the form last time but have not been called please resubmit now. If you have helped out at the hub already there is no need to complete the form again.