RBC Small Grants Fund – Deadline 13 December 2024

Article date
7 November 2024
Primary interest
Voluntary sector
Introduction – overview of the funding

Reading Borough Council has allocated £150k for small grants to the voluntary and community sector for the year 2024/25. The small grants fund is focussed on supporting the broader objectives of the RBC Tackling Inequality Strategy: to create further opportunity for local voluntary and community organisations to play an active role in making Reading a more equal place to live for its residents.

This funding will support innovative and targeted place-based approaches to addressing the underlying determinants of deprivation within the borough that adversely affect education, skills, and training.

Who is eligible to apply?

The grant is available to smaller, local voluntary and community sector groups who:

  • have an expected income threshold below £100,000.
  • have not already received £20k or more grant funding via Reading Borough Council for the financial year 2023/24.

Such groups must be on of the following:

  • Charitable organisations.
  • Voluntary organisations.
  • Community groups.
  • Faith groups.
  • Sports groups.
  • Arts groups.
  • Cultural organisations.
  • Uniformed groups (scouts, guides etc.).
  • Schools.
  • Not-for-profit social enterprises.
What are the funder priorities?

The intention is to encourage small local voluntary and community groups and innovative community action, and the criteria is non-prescriptive to enable communities to apply for funding to support activities that are right for their community, but applications should demonstrate how they support some, or all of the following key elements of the RBC Tackling Inequality Strategy:

  • Enable everyone within the borough to share in Reading’s success
  • Drive attainment in skills, education and training, access to quality employment, and participation in volunteering
  • Support people in the town where you think the need is greatest
  • Support residents and groups of residents who you see as experiencing disadvantage
  • Provide additionality by complementing existing strategies, work, and partnerships aimed at making Reading a more equal place to live

To make sure that the funding is not dominated by the more established VCS organisations funding will only be given to a project or activity that addresses an unmet need of Reading residents and is not funded or able to be funded through other sources. Applicants will be expected to disclose their other funding sources

How much can organizations apply for?
  • There is a total funding pot of £150,000 for the year 2024/25.
  • Grants of up to £5,000 are available for smaller local VCS organisations.
  • A proportion of the Small Grants Funding will be used to support bids under £2,500.
What the funding can be used for

Grants can be awarded for purposes such as:

  • One-off local events.
  • Running events.
  • Minor start-up costs (e.g., to get a new idea/project ‘off the ground’).
  • Purchasing equipment.
  • Sessional costs.

Funding must be spent within 12 months of award.

Is there a deadline?
  • The deadline for application is 13th December 2024.
  • Applicants will be notified by the first week of March 2025.
Find out more/how to apply
Support with your application from RVA:

For further support from RVA with preparing your application or your policies and procedures required for this funding, contact Herjeet Vass at herjeet.vass@rva.org.uk