Reading Borough Council are seeking public views on the Bereavement Services provided by the Council
Under the Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977 (LACO) legislation, Local Authorities are required to prepare and adopt Cemetery Regulations that set out the Council’s policy and procedures for the operation of the cemetery. The last time the cemetery regulations were updated and adopted by the Council was in 2011. The Regulation’s apply to Henley Road Cemetery, Reading Cemetery and Caversham Cemetery only. They also apply to Reading Crematorium and Gardens of Remembrance based at Henley Road Cemetery.
The Council is committed to ensuring that our bereavement services meet the needs of all our communities. In 2010 we adopted the Charter for the Bereaved, which sets out a best practice model for cemeteries operations and an inclusive service provision for people of all faiths or non-faith. We work to this Charter wherever possible.
On that basis, a full review of the current burials services and cemetery operations has been carried out. The aim being, to enhance the Service and meet more of the needs of our culturally diverse community.
The review includes:
- Amendments to the Cemetery Rules and Regulations
- The grave types and memorial options available
- Opening hours and resources
- Accessibility on site
It is intended all residents of Reading Borough and their families could benefit from the draft proposals. The Consultation on the draft proposals commenced Monday 28 June 2021 and we are seeking views from a wide range of customers and community groups, as well as existing grave owners. The consultation period will last for 45 days, until 12 August 2021. Once the consultation is over, a final draft of the proposed regulations, taking account of consultation responses received, will be considered by the Councils Policy Committee in September.
The consultation can be accessed by following this link, using the QR code or if you prefer, paper copies of the questionnaire can be obtained from the Cemetery Office at Henley Road Cemetery. If you feel your community group would benefit from paper copies, please let us know and we can provide the document in PDF format for printing.
If you have any queries regarding the content of the consultation, please email Diane is the Registration & Bereavement Services Manager.