NCVO have just launched their new funding guidance section on their website which is ideal for smaller community groups and charities looking for step-by-step guides on raising money for their activities. The guidance includes the following sections:
- Funding and income planning, with a really useful planner you can download.
- All about grants: from getting ready to apply to writing your application and preparing your budget.
- Other types of fundraising such as crowdfunding, corporate fundraising, holding events, free draws and asking for donations, as well as understanding topics such as gift aid.
- Delivering public services: with guidance on commissioning and contracts.
This is a really useful resource to increase your learning.
Finding fundraising opportunities:
Don’t forget you can also find up to date fundraising opportunities in the following places:
Further support and advice:
If you deliver services in Reading, particularly if you are delivering key services to communities to help with the impact of Covid-19, please contact Herjeet at for further advice and support for your group.