The Reading Family Link Scheme is part of Reading Borough Council’s support services for disabled children. It links disabled children and their families to volunteer families or individuals who can provide the child with short breaks on a regular basis. This may be for a few hours, a day, a weekend or sometimes longer. The service ranges from befriending, day care through to overnight care in the carer’s own home.
The children may have learning difficulties, autism or physical impairments. They all need opportunities to have fun, meet new people, try new activities and gain independence. Carers are ordinary people with or without experience of child care or disability with a few hours to spare to involve a child in everyday activities in the community or at home, at the same time giving their families a break.
Carers must be 18 years or over. All carers receive training and ongoing support. CRB record checks are carried out. Carers are volunteers but receive a fee t