Reading Civic Society was formed in 1961 at a period of rapid development in the town.
The Society is committed to promoting conservation in all its guises – not only safeguarding historic buildings but also enhancing parks, open spaces and waterways and raising public awareness of these assets. It celebrates the town’s history by supporting the restoration of monuments and notable features, and erecting information boards in partnership with other local-interest groups and the local authority.
Much of the Society’s work lies in examining applications for planning permission. We meet developers and submit comments to planning officers, and seek to encourage high quality new building design. Our observations are noted in planning recommendations. We give particular attention to work planned for listed buildings and conservation areas.
Members are able to;
1. join our events in Reading, including an Annual Party
2. join our visits to other towns and cities to learn about the transport and planning issues they face, and threats to their particular architecture. These visits, to places as diverse as Docklands and Devizes, are often hosted by local Civic Societies.
3. support the Society’s comments on planning proposals
4. receive a regular newsletter keeping them informed about local and national developments affecting our town
5. participate in activities by contributing special skills and knowledge.
Membership- £10 single, £15 double.