Reading Hydro is a Community Benefit Society that raised funds, mainly from the local community, to build a hydroelectricity generating scheme on the River Thames next to Caversham Weir. It is complete and two Archimedes screw turbines are generating electricity from the power of the water without producing carbon dioxide. The Society also built a fish pass so fish and eels can swim upriver past the turbines.
Over 60 volunteers were involved in the project. The scheme is operated and maintained by a team of trained and dedicated volunteers, and supported by a board of directors, all of whom are volunteers.
The key aims of the Society are to:
- Generate renewable energy for decades to come
- Provide educational materials and opportunities for learning
- Build a Community Benefit Fund to support local projects
Please get in touch if you are interested in supporting our aims.
Type of organisation
Community group
Main activity
Education and learning
Area of activity
North Reading
Registered company number
RVA member
Not specified
Address line 1
c/o The Reading Sustainability Centre RISC
Address line 2
35-39 London St
Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified