The Indian Community Association is a vibrant and accessible community organisation, providing a wide range of services and opportunities for local people of all ages and backgrounds. After School Club activities, Cultural Awareness classes, support for older people, volunteering and training placements are just some of the services we provide.
- For information on our seniors group see
- For information on the range of classes we run see
The association’s charitable aims and objectives:
To relieve members of the Indian community in Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas who are poor, sick, elderly, or disabled.
To advance the education of the inhabitants of Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas in the history, philosophy, art, music, languages, literature and culture of India.
To advance the education of members of the Indian community in Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas in the English language, literature, history, art, music and culture.
To provide and assist in the provision of facilities for the recreation or other leisure time occupation of the inhabitants of Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas – in particular members of the Indian community in Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas – in the interests of social welfare and with the objects of improving their conditions in life.
To promote any other charitable purpose for the benefit of the Indian community in Reading, Wokingham and surrounding areas.
Bhangracise with Rajeev classes are held fortnightly