Community Action Ark Project

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The Community Action Ark Project is a local support group for vulnerable adults and homeless people in Reading. Our aim is to relieve poverty and support people with drug addiction. We have converted a double decker bus into a mobile homeless shelter and have a separate unit for washing facilities. Our activities include providing a safe environment, food, clothes and support to those in need of our services. We work closely with rehabilitation programs. We offer a short term detox before signposting on to a suitable support network. We will deliver these activities on the bus which will be used as a resource centre during the day, helping people with homeless issues and employment, and giving them the support to integrate them back into the community.

Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Main activity
Homelessness services
Area of activity
Central Reading
Charity number
RVA member
Not specified
Not specified

Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified