Our aim is to Reform Economics and Finance and also to create a climate where economics and the economy create a much nicer and more inclusive world, where caring, sharing and supporting each other is the norm and accepted as the way to be.
We want to prevent poverty, stop runnaway climate change and stop the current mass extinction of species. We work to create social and environmental justice together.
We are not satisfied with mitigating the effects.
We exist to create a framework for a complete change in the way we do things and the rationale and philosophy and structure of the economy. We are credited with creating the academic discipline of Green Economics and now we are busy implementing these ideas around the world and influencing the debate, policy makers, governments and the worlds shapers and movers.
Our Trust exists to provide education in this field.
We work through our international Institute, we are a registered Book Publisher and we have founded a unique academic Journal now in its 8th year.
We are also an Educational Institute and College and a leading international network of Innovators in all aspects of Green issues.We are a great place to study and we publish a new kind of open source book with lots of voices from all around the world. We are involved in all aspects of change from Research right through to implementing practical and applied change.
We also have speakers, lecturers and tutors available and we provide training courses and education in settings all around the world. We run regular and frequent conferences all around the world and often hold them at Oxford University.