Epilepsy Action exists to offer support to anyone affected by epilepsy in the form of advice and information.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that anyone can develop at anytime of their life, there are currently over 600,000 people living in the UK with epilepsy and every year, 32,000 people are diagnosed, that’s 87 every single day.
Epilepsy can impact on many aspects of a persons life from their job, relationship and even loss of their driving license.
We are here to inform people affected by epilepsy on what options exist to them, previous experiences and possible solutions to the life changes that epilepsy brings.
The organisation runs a helpline which although it is free to phone costs the organisation 6 pounds per call. Another of the sources of information is Forum4e, an online forum were people can speak to others regarding epilepsy, these are just two examples of how people can access our service.
As an organistaion we aim to reach as many people as possible and so we are branching out into community fundraising and by this we aim to raise awareness of our work as well as recruit volunteers to aid us in fundraising so we can expand on the vital service we provide.