Are you passionate about supporting and empowering children and young people to thrive? Would you like to work for an independent organisation that fosters creativity, encourages everyone to contribute to organisational growth and makes sure staff feel supported and valued?
We are looking to recruit an experienced practitioner as a maternity cover to coordinate support for our Building Respectful Families service.
Are you the right candidate?
We are looking for an individual who can quickly engage and build trust with young people and their care givers. You should have a track-record of working with children and young people in a supportive role. An enthusiastic self-starter with excellent communication skills, you will have experience of multi-agency working and a commitment to high standards of professionalism. You should have experience of supporting others in a professional role. You will be responsible for co-ordinating a locally based intervention focused on supporting families affected by Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). The role will include planning and enabling the assessment and delivery of support to young people and their caregivers affected by CAPVA. You will also be holding a caseload of young people and parents.
To apply, please complete and submit the Safe! Application Form that can be found on our website
For an informal chat about the role, please contact Alice Brown, BRF Service Manager
If you have any questions, please email to