The Autism-Dissociation Association — A Talk by Nat Titman

Monday 8 January 2024

Nat Titman is a middle-aged multiply neurodivergent autism trainer, IT consultant, musician, artist and former podcaster with a collection of labels and diagnoses, including a dissociative disorder.
Dissociation is a psychological defense mechanism where the conscious mind becomes distanced from the outside world, or from the feelings and memories it provokes. This is a common, natural response to unbearable experiences. Dissociative disorders develop when the mind learns to distance itself as a habit and forms an instinctual dissociative response to the stresses of daily life.
This talk explores the connections between autism and the dissociative response, looks at the surprising overlaps in experiences between autistic and dissociative support communities, and advocates for a change in perspective on autism, dissociation and chronic, unaddressed toxic stress.
This is one of an occasional series of autism-related talks offered by AutAngel, which is a community interest company run by and for autistic adults. It’s important to us to be able to welcome people regardless of financial means however we have significant running costs, so for those who can afford it, our recommended donation is £5, but we are grateful for any amount you donate, and we very much appreciate larger donations.
There will be Q&As following the conversation.
Please join us for what promises to be a fascinating conversation and Q&A session!
We send a recording to everyone who gets a ticket for the event. It helps us if you let us know if you aren’t planning to attend live.

Type of event
Meeting / Talk / Presentation
Event theme
Event date
8 January 2024
Start time
6:30 pm
End time
7:30 pm
Address line 1
On line Zoom
Wheelchair accessible?
Not specified