Vision for Volunteering in Reading

Article date
30 May 2022
Primary interest


Vision for Volunteering in Reading


Reading is a place where the difference made by volunteering and social action is recognised, valued and celebrated. We want everybody to have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the goal of making Reading a thriving community, improving and enriching the lives of all.



  • Organisations that involve volunteers in their work have the support and resources they need to do so effectively.
  • Volunteering, in its multiple forms, is widely recognised and celebrated and the positive impact it has on individuals and the community is valued
  • Opportunities to volunteer are diverse and well supported, allowing everybody the chance to benefit from the wellbeing boost involvement can bring
  • Volunteers see themselves as part of a wider community of people making a difference in the town
Desired Outcomes


  • Organisations have the resources they need to offer impactful volunteering opportunities for all
  • Those responsible for coordinating volunteers are able to access training and feel supported
  • Volunteers are well supported in their roles
  • Non-voluntary sector organisations and businesses have a better understanding of the resources required to make volunteering impactful and sustainable
  • Reliable data on the extent, nature and value of volunteering in the town is available in an accessible format
  • Non-voluntary sector organisations and businesses have a better understanding of the impact and importance of volunteering
  • The promotion of volunteering is inclusive and representative of Reading’s diverse population
  • Potential volunteers are able to find a diverse range of roles to suit their interests, skills and availability
  • Residents are able to identify and access opportunities to make a difference in their neighbourhoods
  • The wellbeing boost that volunteering can bring is well understood with illustrative local examples available
  • Volunteers feel confident in voicing their views on how to make the town a better place and institutions and decision makers value and act on their reflections
  • Volunteer retention is improved