The SHARE checklist – tackling misinformation

Primary interest
The government has launched a new website aimed at stopping the spread of false information

It encourages people to use the SHARE checklist before liking, commenting or sharing content online, with the aim of stopping the spread of false and harmful information about medical advice, vaccines, and technology scares.

  • Source: Rely on official sources for medical and safety information. Check the facts about vaccinations and coronavirus on the NHS website and GOV.UK.
  • Headline: Headlines don’t always tell the full story. Always read to the end before you share articles about coronavirus, including those about vaccines.
  • Analyse: Analyse the facts. If something sounds unbelievable, it very well might be. Independent fact-checking services are correcting false information about coronavirus and vaccines every day.
  • Retouched: Watch out for misleading pictures and videos in stories about coronavirus vaccines. They might be edited, or show an unrelated place or event. Check to see who else is using the photo.
  • Error: Look out for mistakes. Typos and other errors might mean the information is false. Official guidance about coronavirus will always have been carefully checked.
Further information
  • Read more on the SHARE checklist website.
  • Read more on the Full Fact website – the UK’s independent fact checking charity, working to fact check and correct misinformation on coronavirus, vaccines and Brexit.