The Foundation Stage Forum podcast from Tapestry: The Intersection of Anti-Racism and SEND 

Primary interest
Families and Parenting

The online learning journal Tapestry has a weekly podcast – The Foundation Stage Forum (FSF) – where the education team discuss early years and primary education.

All ex-teachers, members of the team have many years of experience in early years, primary and special education, senior leadership, local authority advice and inspections. You can find the episodes on the Tapestry website as well as subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.

The Tapestry team often invite guests with specific expertise to join them and recently they have featured Catherine McLeod, CEO of Dingley’s Promise, and Liz Pemberton, Director of The Black Nursery Manager, to discuss the differences between ‘inclusion’ and ‘belonging’, how excluded children from minoritised ethnic groups with SEND can become in the Early Years, and the importance of high quality training for Early Years Professionals on the subject of anti-racism.

Listen to The Intersection of Anti-Racism and SEND podcast