At the University of Reading, we are running a project called Fortiphy where we have been working with older adults to create food solutions to improve nutritional status.
We are currently testing variations of porridge in a nutrition intervention study and we are looking for lots of volunteers aged 70+ years to participate. As we are coming up to the end of the study, we now only need male volunteers!
The study involves coming into the Nutrition Unit in the Department of Food & Nutritional Sciences at the University of Reading on 4 occasions: a screening visit and 3 study days. The study days are 5 hours long: you can bring things with you to do, we will provide you with some lunch following the testing sessions, and you will be reimbursed for your time in completing the study.
If you are interested in taking part in this study, please contact Ezgi Ozen by sending an email to OR phoning 0788 597 2288 for more information. Thank you!