Invitation to get involved in the redevelopment of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading.
It’s important that our new hospital meets the needs of our staff, patients, visitors and local communities and the best way of making sure that happens is by working alongside everyone to get their ideas.
We’re setting up a network of people keen to have their say, make suggestions, challenge our ideas, question what we’re doing and ask us ‘have you thought of this…..’
It’s really important we hear from as many local people as possible. We are extremely lucky to have a very diverse community around us and we want to ensure our plans really do involve everyone. It won’t be time consuming and we think you’ll find it really interesting. And, at some time in the future, you’ll be able to look up at the new hospital – wherever it is – and say ‘I helped do that’.
We’re going to be holding a series of engagement events for local people and the next two are on:
Wednesday 10 November, 3 – 4.30pm
Wednesday 17 November, 6 – 7.30pm
These will be online via a webinar and it’s your chance to hear more about our plans, where we’re at with them and ask questions. To take part please email buildingberkshiretogether@
We hope you can join us in November, or at some time very soon, and look forward to meeting you.