Have your say on the Berkshire West Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Primary interest
The consultation closing date has been extended to 5pm on 28 February 2021
Berkshire West Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy public engagement group need your help

Please raise awareness of the opportunity for the public to have their say in the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West. Please share the survey below with your contacts.

They also want to know your organisation’s views on the proposed priorities. You are in a unique position to understand the daily challenges faced by the community and also what could make a real difference to people’s health and wellbeing. They are therefore asking you to discuss this with your members at your next board meeting and give a collective response to the survey.

The priorities included in the strategy will drive where resources, time and energy are spent over the next ten years across Berkshire West. It is therefore essential that they hear from as many people as possible. Read more about the potential priorities and how they were developed here.

Further information
  • If you would like to know more, or would like support in bringing this to your organisation, please get in touch at berkshirewestwellbeing@gmail.com.
  • If you wish to host a focus group to support his engagement, there is a toolkit available to help, so please get in touch by email.