ACAS and NCVO are hosting a free workshop for charities on dealing with difficult conversations with staff or volunteers. Having difficult conversations about sensitive and or emotive issues is a necessary part of being a leader or manager in a charity. But many try to avoid these conversations in the hope that the issue will simply go away. With covid-19 creating widespread change and uncertainty, learning how to manage these conversations effectively is particularly important.
This workshop will:
- explore the signs, causes and effects of conflict
- give you practical tips to help you handle these conversations
- give you the chance to discuss your experiences with other charities.
Find out more and book for free through this link (limited spaces available so please book quickly if you are interested.)
Further support from RVA:
- If you would like 1:1 confidential advice for your group or charity on an employment related matter, please contact Herjeet Randhawa at