BCF Jubilee Fund, Let’s Create – deadline 10am on 10 February 2022

Article date
24 December 2021
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

The Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community groups to develop new creative and cultural activities as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022. The fund has been created by Arts Council England (ACE) with funds from the National Lottery.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to voluntary and community organisations with charitable aims and working
towards a common goal which does not have to be based solely around arts and culture.
Eligible applicants will also have:

  • A business address in England or the wider UK
  •  A UK bank account in the exact name they’re applying in
  • A project lead who is at least 18 years old
  • Been established for at least 12 months
What types of projects will the fund support?

To be eligible projects should engage with at least one of the art forms which ACE supports through its funding. These are:

  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Dance
  • Visual arts
  • Literature
  • Combined arts – including festivals and carnivals
  • Museum and library activities.

Projects must also be of benefit to people and/or communities in England.

How much can I apply for?

Applicants can apply for grants from £750 to £10,000.

What can the grant be used for?

Eligible costs include:

  • costs of organising your events and people needed to manage the project
  • artist fees (both creating and delivering the event); there is guidance available on the fair pay of artists here
  • volunteer expenses
  • materials or equipment needed for the event or activity
  • food and non-alcoholic drinks
  • marketing costs and promotion of the event
  • overheads relating specifically to the project (such as insurance)
  • costs of making your event accessible to all, such as BSL interpreters, translation services, additional signage
Is there a deadline?
  • The application portal in Berkshire will open on Tuesday 4 January 2022 until 10am on Thursday 10 February 2022..
  • All applicants will have a funding decision by Friday 1 April 2022.
  • The project can begin from 1 April so that preparation can take place such as rehearsals etc.
  • Public-facing activity should take place in June near the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend.
  • The project end date can be in August to include any evaluation and final payments.
How to apply?
  • From 4 January 2022, an Eligibility Quiz will be accessible at the bottom of the Let’s Create Jubilee Fund page – fill in the Quiz to receive a link to the Application Form.
  • Please refer to your local Community Foundation for details of the closing date in your area. You can find information on all the community foundations here.
Further information and advice from RVA
  • BCF will be presenting on this funding at the RVA Funders Event on 27 January. See our events page for more details.
  • You can find more about the funding guidance here.
  • If you would like advice on funding applications or getting ready for funding, including governance requirements and policies that are needed, please contact Herjeet at herjeet.randhawa@rva.org.uk or telephone 0118 937 2273 for free and independent support and advice.