7Stars Foundation – Next round opens December 2024

Article date
24 July 2024
Primary interest
Voluntary sector
Introduction – overview of the funding

The 7stars foundation is powered by the7stars. It awards grants to charities supporting young people, aged 16 years and under, across the UK.

There are three grant funding streams:

  1. Project Funding grants – Grants are available to charities to deliver a project for young people, aged 16 years old or under, aligned to prioritised themes
  2. Shine Bright – Grants are available for each award to purchase educational, wellbeing, or recreational items for young people, aged 16 years old or under, aligned to prioritised themes.
  3. Social Impact – Grants are offered to charities across the year, aligned to certain awareness days. A maximum of three charities will be shortlisted for each award, with the7stars agency team voting on which charity will be awarded.
Who is eligible to apply?

For the Project Funding grant:

  • Applicants must be from a registered charity across England
  • Applicants must have a turnover of under £1.5m
  • Applicants must have delivered services pre 2020
  • Applicants must not be volunteer led
  • Applicants must not have more than 30% free reserves (in comparison to income)

 For the Shine Bright grant:

  • Applicants must be from a registered charity across the UK
  • Applicants must have a turnover of under £1.5m

For the Social Impact grant:

  • Applicants must be from a registered charity across the UK
  • Applicants must have a turnover of under £1.5m
  • Applications must benefit young people 16 years and under
What are the funder priorities?

Grants are targeted to further the potential and opportunity of children and young people who are surviving abuse, at risk of or experiencing homelessness, caring for a loved one, and challenged by addiction.

How much can organizations apply for?

Project grants – up to £2,500

Shine Bright grants – up to £1,500

Social Impact grants – up to £1,500

 What the funding can be used for
  • Project grants can be used to cover the costs of projects that respond to one or more of the funding priorities of the 7stars Foundation.
  • Shine Bright funding can be used by charities to purchase items and resources to protect and support the children they serve through the cost of living crisis.
  • Social Impact funding can be used for three charities across the year, for projects that align with designated awareness days.
 Is there a deadline?

The 2024 funding rounds are as follows:

  • 1 December to 5 February for a March funding review
  • 1 March to 30 April for a June funding review
  • 1 July to 31 August for an October funding review
Find out more/how to apply

More details and an online application form is available from the 7stars foundation website.

For further support from RVA with preparing your application or your policies and procedures required for this funding, contact Herjeet Vass at herjeet.vass@rva.org.uk