Befriender Match – Woodworker seeking assistance!

Befriending / Visiting volunteer needed for ENRYCH Berkshire

Our volunteers support and enable people with a physical disability to take up, or return to, a hobby, interest, sporting activity or learning opportunity which they cannot do without some help or support. This support is mainly about giving confidence, understanding and emotional support to bring colour to our members’ lives.

We are looking for everyday folk who might have a few free hours each week to share an interest with someone with a disability. That hobby you’ve had for years might be just the thing that one of our Members is looking for. You never know – volunteering might actually add some unexpected colour to your life too!

Do you enjoy woodwork?

We have a member in his 50’s who makes walking sticks and other wooden items who is looking for a volunteer to assist him each week.

The volunteer needs to be experienced in setting up and using various power tools safely such as a router, band saw, jig saw and hand drills.

The member suffered a stroke a few years ago so is very weak on one side. He is looking for a physically fit person to be another pair of hands to help him, but not to take over, making items.

The volunteering would take place in the member’s own workshop at home.

As local public transport is not good the volunteer would need their own car to get to the member’s home.

Interested but want to know a little more about what being a volunteer is like? Read about Maria’s volunteering experience HERE

Take a look at our new Befriender Match page to see examples of people seeking befrienders now.

Contact person firstname
Contact person's position
Volunteer Coordinator
Their phone number?
07926 023908
Contact instructions?
Monday to Thursday

Location description
Near Pangbourne
Wheelchair accessible?
Car parking for the volunteer?
Secure bicycle parking?
Near public transport?
How much time?
A few hours a week
What times and days of the week?
Mon AMTue AMFri AM
Availability required
Any of these times
Task type?
Befriending / Visiting
Will suit someone like this:
Prefers a regular scheduleInventivePatientCreativeEmotionally robustPhysically fit
Post suitable for supported volunteering?
Not specified
Is training given?
Is support given?
Description of support
Volunteer Coordinator supports all volunteers
Are expenses paid?
Description of expenses
Travel and any incidental expenses reimbursed
Will I need my own transportation?
Will the volunteer be CRB or DBS checked?
Are references required?
Will there be an interview?
Are they properly insured?
Minimum age
Do they need a specific gender?
How many volunteers needed?
Opportunity added on
15 March 2019