All sorts of help needed to make Reading’s first Green Fest a big success!

Support volunteers needed for Transition Town Reading in RG1

Reading Green Fest is a one day festival to celebrate what community groups are doing locally to have a positive environmental impact. There will be children’s activities, films, activity and information stalls and a vegan cafe serving lunches and snacks.


Volunteers are needed to help the event to run smoothly and there will be a variety of tasks. It is likely that you will take on more than one role throughout the day:

Stall supporter: Ensuring stall holders know where they are to set up, checking they have everything they need and looking after their stall if they need a comfort break or bringing them refreshments when needed.

Welcomer / Information point: Welcoming in guests, pointing out what’s going on and what time various things are happening.

Film / sound operator: Someone who’s a little bit tech-savvy to ensure the films are running smoothly and the sound levels are OK.

Cafe Volunteers: Roots Community pop-up cafe are running the cafe and would like a few extra hands behind the counter to take orders, make coffees etc.

We will also need help at the start and end of the day, when it’ll be all hands on deck to make sure we are ready to start at 11am and at the end to make sure we leave the hall and square spic and span!

We expect volunteers may take on more than one of these roles depending where the demand is at any given time, however if you have a preference, please let us know and we will try to accommodate that. Some roles will be more physically demanding and others can be done sitting down.

Contact person firstname
Contact person's position
Treasurer / Green Fest Organiser
Location address line 1
Town Hall Square and St Laurence's Church
Line 2
Friar Street

Location description
The festival is both indoors and outdoors, the main base will be in St Laurences, but many stalls will be outside.
Wheelchair accessible?
Car parking for the volunteer?
Secure bicycle parking?
Near public transport?
How much time?
For a one off event
What times and days of the week?
Sat AMSat PM
Availability required
Any of these times
Single dates NEW
11 June 2016
Additional timing details
We will need volunteers from 10am (to help set up) until 6pm (to clear away at the end) but you don't need to offer to help the full day. Standard shifts are 10am - 2pm or 2pm - 6pm but let us know if you would like to help at other times. The event itself runs from 11am - 5pm.
Task type?
Will suit someone like this:
SociableSupportiveCreativeCommunicatorHas a few hours to spare
Post suitable for supported volunteering?
Not specified
Is training given?
Training description
There will be a short orientation meeting that volunteers will be encouraged to attend before the event so you know what will be happening, a chance to meet the organisers and other volunteers and find out more about your role on the day.
Is support given?
Description of support
You will be part of a team of volunteers on the day and never working on your own.
Are expenses paid?
Description of expenses
Reasonable travel expenses will be covered and refreshments including lunch from the cafe will be provided.
Will I need my own transportation?
Will the volunteer be CRB or DBS checked?
Are references required?
Will there be an interview?
Are they properly insured?
Minimum age
Do they need a specific gender?
How many volunteers needed?
Opportunity added on
2 May 2016