Windrush Day Grant Scheme – deadline 18 March 2022

Article date
15 February 2022
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

The Windrush Day Grant Scheme is led by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). National Windrush Day and this scheme forms a part of the government’s commitment to level up opportunity across diverse communities, help build greater trust in public services, improve outcomes for everyone and forge a greater sense of belonging.

The Windrush Day Grant Scheme will support groups to commemorate, celebrate and educate people about the contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants across communities in our country.

Who is eligible to apply?

Organisations are eligible to apply if:

  • They are registered:  charities, exempt charities Community Interest Companies, social enterprises, community benefit societies.
  • Or, meet all the following criteria as demonstrated by submitting additional supporting documents:
    • They are established for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes.
    • They have a governing body with at least three members.
    • They have a governing document which they can produce.
    • They can provide accounts demonstrating good financial health across both of the last two financial years.
  • Or, they are a local authority.
What are the funder priorities?

They are looking for projects to focus primarily on one of the headline aims of the Windrush Day Grant Scheme, as follows:

  • To educate people about the Windrush story, seeking to build awareness of historical facts and deepen understanding about the Windrush Generation and their descendants.
  • Foster a greater sense of pride for the contributions made by British Caribbean communities among wider communities. They invite proposals for projects that proactively support and encourage people from different backgrounds to embrace this aspect of their shared history.
  • Celebrate and recognise. They want projects to celebrate and recognise the contribution that the Windrush Generation and the wider British Caribbean community have made to Britain.
How much can you apply for?

You can apply with a budget of up to £500,000 to fund activities across England.

This year, there are two tiers of funding:

  • Tier 1: smaller projects, of a value of between £5,000 and £25,000
  • Tier 2: larger projects, of a value between £25,000 – £50,000
What the funding can be used for?

The aims of the scheme in Tier 1 could be for:

  • Public celebrations and community activities
  • Education through culturally relevant activities and events
  • Exchange visits and programmes
  • Religious services
  • Arts projects
  • Cultural programmes

Tier 2 projects can be potentially done for:

  • Bringing together local partners and communities to create an artistic project,
  • Running a short-term scheme that supports young descendants of the Windrush community and young people from other backgrounds to improve their academic, vocational or entrepreneurial skills,
  • Running a range of unique and high-profile events/ activities in partnership with local schools, museums and libraries.
Is there a deadline?
  • Application window opens – 9 February 2022
  • Application window closes – 18 March 2022
How to apply
  • Download application form from 2022 Windrush Day Grant Scheme page.
  • Complete and return to
  • Please include ‘Windrush Day Grant Application’ in the subject line.
  • The online bidder workshop will be held at  12pm to 1pm on Thursday 17 February, which will give an overview of the scheme and an opportunity for bidders to ask questions. Please register to attend the workshop via this Eventbrite page.
Further information and support from RVA