Community Gardens Award – deadline 28 February 2022

Article date
15 February 2022
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

In 2011 the National Garden Scheme set up an award scheme in memory of Elspeth Thompson, the much-loved garden writer and journalist who died in 2010. National Garden Scheme Community Gardens Award provides funding to amateur gardeners from community groups in England and Wales to create a garden or similar project (such as an allotment) with horticultural focus for the benefit of their local community.

Who is eligible to apply?

The Award is only available to projects in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
run by amateur gardeners within community groups. The award scheme is not open to schools.

How much can you apply for?

No fixed amount is set but awards do not usually exceed £5,000.

What the funding can be used for?

Funding could cover, for example, site preparation (including hire of small mechanical tools such as rotavators), hand tools, plants, trees, shrubs, containers and seating.

Is there a deadline?

Submissions for 2021-22 close on 28 February 2022, applicants will be notified of the results in April 2022.

Find out more/apply
  • The application form to be completed and submitted online is preferred.
  • If you have to download it please save the completed application as a Word document and submit it via email to (A applications submitted in hard copy will not be accepted).
  • Please read the Application Guidelines carefully before completing the form to ensure that you are eligible within the CGA’s terms of reference.
Further information and support from RVA
  • If you have any queries, please contact the award scheme’s supervisor, Doug Copeland:, T: 01799 550553
  • If you would like further support with submitting a funding application or any support to get ready for this funding, please contact Herjeet at or telephone 0118 937 2273 for free and independent support and advice.