Co-op community fridge fund- deadline on 1 February 2022

Article date
4 January 2022
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

Co-op is working in partnership with Hubbub to offer funding to local groups for 100 Community Fridges across the UK.

A community fridge is a space where everyone can share surplus food, including donations from local food businesses, producers, households and gardens.

Hubbub want to help local groups run Community Fridges that are safe, inclusive and financially self-sufficient. They’ll guide and support you to make your fridge a success.

Who can apply:

Community groups that:

  • have not yet set up a Community Fridge
  • are not for profit
  • will set up their fridge in the next 6 months
  • will run the fridge for at least 3 years
  • have a group bank account – money cannot be paid into personal accounts

You can apply if you’re a:

  • constituted community group with a charitable purpose and at least 3 unrelated
    people aged over 18 on the management committee
  • registered charity
  • social enterprise
  • community interest company with 2 or more directors.
What are the funder priorities:

The funding applications will be assessed against the following priorities and criteria:

  • supporting applications in regions with not enough Community Fridges – see our map:
  • supporting groups in areas of deprivation
  • making sure there are equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of background, culture and race.
How much can you apply for?

Successful groups will receive:

  • £4,000 funding
  • support to set up a fridge
  • membership to Hubbub’s Community Fridge Network
What you can use the funding for:

You can spend the funding on:

  • staffing costs
  • buying fridges and freezer
  • Community Fridge volunteer expenses
  • utilities relating to the Community Fridge (power, water)
  • insurance for the Community Fridge
  • print display materials
  • cleaning materials
  • relevant staff training, for example food hygiene and safeguarding
How to apply and the timelines:
  1. Fill in the form to apply for funding.
  2. Complete your application by midnight on 1 February 2022.
  3. You will know if you’re successful by 28 February 2022.
  4. You’ll receive the funding in 2 payments:
  • £3,000 when you submit your signed Letter of Agreement (LOA) and bank information.
  • £1,000 a year after you have launched your fridge.
Further information and support from RVA:
  • Find out more about who can apply and what you can spend the money on in this Community Fridge funding criteria.
  • If you would like further support with submitting a funding application or any support with governance required for your group to get ready for this funding, please contact Herjeet at or telephone 0118 937 2273 for free and independent support and advice.