Update from Brighter Futures for Children on the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Article date
12 November 2021
Primary interest
Families and Parenting

Brighter Futures for Children had previously announced that we were making some changes to the allegations management service involving the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). Previously there was one LADO, with cover from colleagues on occasions. We have now extended this to a team of three; the team is now complete. The LADO service is now managed by Jeremy Curtis, with Sarah Rae and Sue Darby sharing the LADO role. They will do this in addition to other duties, but there will always be a LADO available each day.

Contact arrangements for the LADO remain the same

Part of the role is liaising with and supporting the children’s sector.  We won’t be able to get around to all of you, but hope to meet as many of you as possible. If you wish to invite us to visit we will do our best. Please share this information with all relevant colleagues.

Further information

Read more on the Brighter Futures for Children website: www.brighterfuturesforchildren.org/for-parents-carers/schools/allegations-against-people-in-a-position-of-trust