Seeking volunteers to support School Streets initiative at Wilson Road

Article date
27 May 2021
Primary interest
A School Street closes the road outside the school from traffic for up to 45 minutes, twice a day, during school term time only

School Streets give children the chance to walk, cycle or scoot to school safely in the street of the school without danger from traffic. School Streets give children a chance to get to know other children on their way to school, keep active and also help with social distancing during the current pandemic.

School Street at Wilson Road

Reading Borough Council has approved Wilson Primary School’s application for Wilson Road to be a School Street, starting from Monday 7 June 2021 at the following times:

 Day  AM School Street Time  PM School Street Time
 Monday 8:20am – 9:05am 2.35pm – 3:20pm
 Tuesday 8:20am – 9:05am 2.35pm – 3:20pm
 Wednesday 8:20am – 9:05am 2.35pm – 3:20pm
 Thursday 8:20am – 9:05am 2.35pm – 3:20pm
 Friday 8:20am – 9:05am 2.35pm – 3:20pm
Could you support the school community?

In order for School Streets to be successful, Wilson Primary School need volunteers to help them supervise the closure of the street. If you feel you would be able to support the school community by supervising and controlling the barrier closures, please complete the form found here.

They hope to organise a rota so volunteers would only be required to supervise a closure once a week. The more people who are willing to volunteer, the greater chance they have of ensuring School Street keeps running.