Women’s Voices 2021 – apply for place at Media Trust event by 9am on 25 January

Primary interest
Voluntary sector

If your charity supports women, girls or those who identify as female, and is looking to reach new audiences, develop a campaign or raise awareness about your cause, then Media Trust invite you to apply for a place at Women’s Voices 2021, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Join them virtually on Monday 8 March 2021 from 10am – 3pm for a day of creative brainstorming and advice with your own dedicated team of media and creative industry experts.

Make an application

To read more and apply for a place, complete the application form here. The deadline for applications is Monday 25 January at 9am. Successful charities will be notified by Friday 29 January.

With only 30 places available, they are looking for strong applications that clearly outline a specific communication challenge that you would like help to solve, along with how this support will impact your charity and the women and girls that you work with.