Cancer Research UK

Phone this organisation
020 3469 5262

Every step we make towards beating cancer relies on every pound, every hour, every person. And as a collective force we’ve helped double survival rates in the last forty years. But we can’t stop there. More than 1 in 3 of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives and with our ageing population, this statistic is getting worse.

We’re fighting for a world where no one’s life is cut short by cancer. And there is real hope. Each year our scientists get closer to finding cures for cancers – whether through targeted treatment or simply detecting cancers earlier. Genome mapping and new technologies have put us on the brink of major breakthroughs. With the continued help of our supporters we will help turn these breakthroughs into treatments that could save millions of lives and accelerate our progress against this devastating disease.

We fund over half of the UK’s cancer research, including the life-saving work of over 4000 scientists, doctors and nurses fighting cancer on all fronts. Every day, our researchers make cutting-edge discoveries in our labs, and our doctors and nurses pioneer new treatments with patients in hospitals. This is why our research is so vital and why we need the public’s support to keep forging ahead to create more tomorrows for more people with cancer.

Research isn’t the only thing we do. Every year we help millions of people get the information they need to understand the disease. And, together with our supporters, we campaign on key cancer issues including access to cancer drugs, screening and reducing the use of tobacco.

We work in partnership with others to achieve the greatest impact in the global fight against cancer. We provide life-changing information to anyone affected by cancer. We run awareness initiatives so that cancer can be detected early and help people reduce their risk of the disease. And our campaigning and lobbying keeps cancer at the top of the political agenda.

To save lives; to add years; to make treatments kinder; to inform, prevent; to expel fear and to cure. The only ones fighting over 200 cancers – including the one that matters most to you.

Sooner or later we will find cures for all cancers. Let’s make it sooner.

Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Main activity
Health general
Chronic conditions
Area of activity
Parent organisation
Sports Team
Charity number
Registered company number
RVA member

Address line 1
Angel Building
Address line 2
407 St John Street
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