Privacy policy and cookies

The general policy for our website is not to store individual user data. In the rare event that storage of personal data is needed this will be explained clearly on the page where it is collected.

Like many other sites, the Reading Voluntary Action website uses cookies as part of its functionality. Cookies are small data files that are stored on a visitor’s device that are used as part of the site’s functionality.

The RVA website uses cookies for the following purposes:

Google Analytics – to enable us to gather statistics on site usage and user visits. No personal information is collected or sent to any third party.

Google Analytics uses its own first-party cookies to distinguish between users and unique sessions from users.

Google Analytics sets the following cookies when in use on this website:

_ga cookie used to distinguish individual users on this site, expires after 2 years
_ga cookie used to persist session state, expires after 2 years.

If you prefer not to have cookies stored on your device, see the instructions for disabling cookies in your browser settings. Detailed instructions for each browser can be found at

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