Tony – Staying active whilst providing a vital green resource in the heart of the community

The work of volunteers plays a vital role in making our town a unique and vibrant place. We are delighted to be sharing with you a collection of volunteering stories to highlight and celebrate some of the work done by charities and volunteers.

Tony runs a community garden in Whitley Wood. He describes how he first got involved about 7 years ago after retirement. He was attending a local coffee morning group where someone was attending to weeds in the garden, he asked if he could help and since then he has been heavily involved. In the community garden you can plant, grow and harvest herbs, fruit, vegetables and flowers. Tony describes how he is currently growing potatoes, cabbages and various greens. 

He describes why he loves gardening as it keeps him occupied and active at 73 years old. Regularly going down to tend to his plants gives him plenty of fresh air and exercise. He states growing vegetables is really rewarding as all the food grown goes to good use. With help from others on the committee, the food Tony has been growing has been distributed to those in the local community who may be in need. In the last two months since lockdown, 5 such deliveries have been made. The impact of these has only been more significant given the lockdown really making a positive difference on those who received food. Whilst Tony is extremely modest about the community garden, the work he is doing has meant a lot to so many people and really benefits the local community. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to Tony for keeping the community garden in excellent condition and providing food for those in need.

Inspired by Tony’s story? Take a look at to find the role for you!