Review of the Accessible Information Standard – respond by 28 February 2022

2022 Review of the Accessible Information Standard

A review of the Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is running until March 2022. NECS are working with NHS England and Improvement to carry out the review. The AIS Review will undertake a detailed examination of the Standard building on the findings from previous reviews and working with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders to consider the scope of the existing standard alongside identifying any barriers to implementation and identifying examples of best practice.

The Accessible Information Standard mandates that all publicly funded social care and health providers must identify and meet the information and communication needs of those with information and/or communication support needs related to disability, impairment or sensory loss. The Standard became a legal requirement on 1 August 2016.

Take part in the review

NECS would like to hear from you on your views of the AIS and its implementation, and have provided three key questions below:

  • Is the Standard clear on the rights people have for receiving accessible communication and information? Is the Standard well understood by patients and staff?
  • What positive and negative experiences do people have of getting their communication and information needs met by health and social care providers?
  • How could health and social care organisations improve how they implement the AIS?

You can respond directly to Mary from the Programme Team at or Greta at by email. Please send any responses by Monday 28 February 2022.

Further information
  • Read more about the Accessible Information Standard on the Healthwatch website.
  • Read more about the Accessible Information Standard on the NHS website.