RBC Small Grants Fund 2023/2024 Round 1

Article date
14 June 2023
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

Round 1 of the RBC Small Grants Fund 2023/2024 is now open for applications for voluntary and community groups offering services in Reading to apply. There is a total of £100K allocated for this round and groups can apply for £5k (or £10k as a partnership).

What are the funder priorities?

The funding is available to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity needed by voluntary and community organisations to expand existing services, deliver services in a different way or to develop new activities

The small grants fund is focussed on supporting the Council’s broader objectives within its Tackling Inequality Strategy to create further opportunity for local voluntary and community organisations to play an active role in making Reading a more equal place to live for its residents.

Applications should demonstrate how they support the following key elements of Tackling Inequality Strategy:

  • Enable everyone within the borough to share in Reading’s success
  • Drive attainment in skills, education and training and access to quality employment
  • Support people in the areas of the town where need is greatest
  • Support the diverse personal life experiences of our residents and how these can contribute to their equal enjoyment of life and achievements within the borough
  • Provide additionality by complementing existing strategies, work, and partnerships aimed at making Reading a more equal place to live
Who can apply?

The Small Grants programme is aimed at voluntary and community groups and schools based in the Reading borough, such as:

  • Charitable organisations
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community groups
  • Faith groups
  • Sports groups
  • Arts groups
  • Cultural organisations
  • Uniformed groups (scouts, guides etc)
  • Schools
  • Not-for-profit social enterprises
How much can you apply for?
  • Individual organisations can apply for up to a £5k grant and two or more organisations applying in partnership can apply for up to £10k.
What can you use the money for?

Grants can be awarded for purposes such as:

  • Local ‘one off’ and small projects
  • Running events
  • Minor start-up costs (e.g. to get a new idea/project ‘off the ground’)
  • Purchasing equipment
  • Sessional costs
How to apply?
  • Applications should be made using the Reading Small Grants Fund 2023/24 application form.
  • You can also download a Word version of the application form here. if you want to work on your application offline and return to it. Once it is ready, please copy and paste your answers into the online portal in the above link. If you have technical difficulties using the online portal, then you can email your completed application to bikal.shrestha@reading.gov.uk . Please also see the support section below.
What to include in your application?

You will need to include the following, as asked for in the application form:

  • Project title and aim of the project
  • Evidence of need (data, research, community feedback, examples)
  • Description of what the grant will be used for and how many people are expected to benefit
  • Statement of how it will make a difference/how this will address the need
  • A realistic plan for delivery with a key timeline and potential risks
  • Details of any match funding and the source of this funding
  • Provide the organisation’s constitution if you are not a registered charity or CIC
When is the deadline?
  • The deadline for applications is Sunday 23 July 2023.
When will you hear about the outcome?
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the first week of September 2023.
  • The funding must be spent within 12 months of the award.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to provide an Interim report on their project after 6 months and a full report at the end of the project (12 months).
Further support and information
  • Do you need support with your application, your budget, demonstrating need for your work or having the right documentation in place for your group, such as your constitution? For  independent, confidential support or guidance from Reading Voluntary Action, please contact Herjeet Randhawa, Advice Service Manager, RVA. Email: herjeet.randhawa@rva.org.uk / tel: 0118 9372273.
  • You can also contact RBC direct in relation to queries about this funding round. Bikal Shrestha, RBC Funding Officer – Community and Government Programmes. Email: bikal.shrestha@reading.gov.uk / tel: 0118 937 3324.