Personalised Care: Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Training Course for Community and Volunteers

Thursday 27 April 2023
This Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Training course is intended for individuals who are working in the community, including volunteers

MECC is an approach to behaviour change that uses the millions of day-to-day interactions that we have with people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing. It supports the delivery of consistent and concise healthy lifestyle information, enabling individuals to engage in conversations about their health.

A MECC conversation takes a matter of minutes and is not intended to add to the busy workloads. Rather than telling people what to do, MECC is about recognising opportunities to talk to people about their health and wellbeing using the skills of asking and listening – it’s about enhancing the conversations we have.

This training is a free, interactive online training, for anyone working with the public (face-to-face or via phone) in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) in a voluntary or community role.

In this training you’ll develop the competence and confidence to have conversations around smoking, alcohol, physical activity, health eating, and mental wellbeing – to support people to make positive lifestyle changes.
This training course is being organised by Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB and Talking Space Plus Oxfordshire and is funded by Health Education England Thames Valley. Our training is designed to complement FREE MECC e-learning offered by Health Education England (HEE) available here.

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Where: Online Training

To book your place: Click Here for the Application Form

There are limited places available on this course, therefore we kindly ask that you let us know at your earliest convenience if you are no longer able to attend.

Please note your details will only be passed onto the trainer of this course (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB)

Note: This training is suitable for non-clinical roles only.

Type of event
Event date
27 April 2023
Start time
End time
Address line 1
Wheelchair accessible?
Not specified