Voluntary sector vaccine support helpline

Do you or someone you know have questions about accessing a vaccine?

Call 0118 334 1091 and we can answer your questions and help.

Reading voluntary organisations are working together to support people to access their vaccine

This might mean helping to arrange safe and friendly transport to and from a vaccination centre, language support, or signposting to further information about where and when vaccinations can be accessed in Reading. Below are some case studies of how we’ve been able to support callers to the helpline.

Vaccine support line case studies
  • A pregnant woman was unsure of having the vaccine but wanted to speak to someone as she was finding it difficult to speak to her GP. Her first language was Urdu, though she was able to communicate in English. She spoke to an RVA staff member before having her first dose on the Health on the Move van. She rang the vaccine support line before her second dose was due, and found out that she could attend Broad St Mall rather than the van. Both doses of the vaccine were administered a couple of months before her baby’s due date.
  • A recently-arrived refugee was passing the Health on the Move van and had no English. RVA used Language line to translate and the first dose of their vaccine was successfully administered, with the whole process, and any procedures involved, being translated at each step.
  • A person who had mobility issues and was anxious about receiving their first dose, but wanted help in accessing it, called the helpline. RVA arranged for ReadiBus to collect him from his home in West Reading, to be vaccinated in East Reading, and he found the experience reassuring and suitable for him. RVA followed up with a call before his second dose was due so that he was able to follow the same process and access his second dose in the same way.
Further information
  • Call 0118 334 1091 and we can answer your questions and help.
  • From 16th December 2023, there are some walk in Covid vaccines available at local pharmacies Find a Walk in Covid-19 vaccination site
  • Booking online on the NHS National Booking System is not available from 15th December 2023.

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