Looking for adults aged 65 and over to test our online food and drink questionnaire

Article date
28 May 2021
Primary interest

Nutritionists from the University of Reading are looking for adults aged 65 and over to use our online food and drink questionnaire, eNutri. Volunteers will be asked to record their diet using two different online food and drink questionnaires on multiple occasions within a 2-week period. You will not need to change your diet during the study and you can complete the study from home.

We are looking for adults who:

  • Are 65 years and older
  • Live in the UK and can read English fluently
  • Are able to spend approx. 40 minutes using their device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, computer)
  • Have not been diagnosed with dementia
  • Eat at least 2 meals daily and/or are not following a weight loss diet

Volunteers will receive a personalised nutrition report of their diet and will be entered into a prize draw to win a Love-2-Shop voucher which can be spent at many high street stores.

To find out more, please visit https://enutri.app or contact us at enutri@reading.ac.uk

We look forward to you participating!

This study has been reviewed by the University of Reading Research Ethics Committee and has received a favourable opinion for conduct.