Prince’s Trust – latest opportunities in the Thames Valley

Primary interest
Families and Parenting
Explore Enterprise – for 16 and 17 year olds

Prince’s Trust one-off two day Explore Enterprise programme for 16–17 year olds will cover everything you need to give you an insight into the world of enterprise and what is to be expected.

  • When: Main Programme starts Tuesday 30 March – Wednesday 31 March
  • Where: Pan London – Virtual Delivery 
  • How to refer: Email Jack
Development Awards – for 16 to 30 year olds

Our Development Awards can cover the cost of course fees, tools or equipment up to £160 in order to help young people achieve their goals and move into education, training or employment. For more information, visit our website here.

If you are a young person, you can contact us from 9am – 9pm every day:
  • Call us for free on 0800 842 842
  • Live chat with us online here
If you are a referral partner:
  • Click here to refer a young person to us and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss their options.

For updated advice, guidance and resources, please visit our dedicated Coronavirus Support Hub. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram  now covering the latest updates from across London and the South of England.