Phone this organisation
01483 608344

We are a catalyst for the voluntary and community sector and its partners so that, individually and collectively, we can all achieve more for the communities we serve.
News and information

We share news and information, giving you what you need to know to help you act quickly and effectively. We make sense of the big national policy issues and help to interpret what they mean for organisations in the South East. We listen to our members so that we can promote the assets and perspectives of the sector in the South East, to policy makers as well as statutory and private sector partners.
Making connections

We bring organisations together across sectors in a variety of ways, including at events, to challenge thinking, share experience and develop practical ideas to make us all more effective. You can see a practical example of our work in our case study.
Serving our members

As a membership organisation RAISE aims to deliver high quality member services, offering value for money and accessibility. We work directly with organisations seeking to develop their own thinking and capabilities, bringing a fresh perspective built on a solid understanding of the sector. Retaining some free of charge services to members ensures we can work with and support a wide range of voluntary and community organisations.
Health and social care

Health and social care is a particular focus of our work, as it is an area undergoing huge transformation and affects so many people and organisations.


Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Voluntary sector
Main activity
Voluntary and community sector support
Area of activity
South East Region
Charity number
Registered company number
RVA member

Address line 1
2nd Floor
Address line 2
2-3 Eastgate Court
Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified