The Conservation Volunteers Reading

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0118 956 8959

The Conservation Volunteers support, encourage and celebrate volunteers and volunteering. We focus on helping people to give some of their time, skills and enthusiasm, to protect and care for their local environment – the parks, woods and other green spaces that we see and use everyday. We do this by providing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, opportunities and confidence to do so.

If you want to volunteer with us, either individually or as a small group of friends, family members or colleagues, then the easiest way is to join in with an existing volunteering project.

Most of these opportunities are free and run in a professional but fun, friendly and positive way. New members are always very welcome and no experience is necessary.

Most people find becoming a conservation volunteer is worthwhile, great fun and helps them to feel both fitter and happier. For many it becomes an activity that stays with them all their lives.

The Biodiversity Action Team is a volunteer group that we run for day projects. They work in partnership with a wide range of land managers, from local authorities and other public bodies, through to community groups, schools and private landowners. As well as tackling projects that help to protect and enhance our biodiversity, most of their activities also help to mitigate the effects of climate change, or help to improve access or interpretation of greenspaces to enable people to enjoy them more.

The teams carry out a wide range of activities, such as rebuilding dry-stone walls, managing woodlands, restoring heathlands, hedge-laying, improving public access (via path, step, fence, stile and boardwalk construction and maintenance), caring for community gardens, planting hedges and trees; the list is nearly endless!

Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Nature and Environment
Main activity
Environment and conservation
Area of activity
Charity number
261009 & SC039302
Registered company number
Legal name
RVA member

Address line 1
Address line 2
35-39 London Street
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