Training from other organisations

If you are looking for individual personal development training for your volunteers or service users, take a look at our Social Action and Volunteering Training Hub.

Other local and national training providers for charities

You can access online training on an ongoing basis through the following local and national organisations:

Governance and finance

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) offer virtual and other training options for charities on a range of topics such as trustee governance, fundraising and safeguarding. They have a reduced price for members. Organisations with a gross annual income of less than £30,000 can join NCVO for free and will then qualify for the discount.

Getting on Board

Getting on Board are a national charity that offers short, affordable online introduction sessions for trustees. Ideal if your trustees cannot make in-person training during the day.

The Cranfield Trust
Offer support for charities including training and events on a range of topics from financial management, and cash-flow forecasting.
Training and events:

Safeguarding training

Brighter Futures for Childrenrefresher elearning for universal safeguarding children
This session is a free elearning refresher training for anyone who has already completed a face to face or Zoom session in the past, and just needs a refresher.

Brighter Futures for Children – in person Universal Safeguarding Children training. Cost: Free. Click this link to see dates and booking information for academic year 2024-2025

Brighter Futures for Children – in person Designated Safeguarding Lead and Refresher training. Cost £33.Further details, how to apply, and dates for 2024-2025 attached here.

RBC Adult Social Care Training
RBC offer a range of adult social care training such as Safeguarding Adults Level 1 and Domestic Abuse training. This can also be attended by staff and volunteers of voluntary and community groups. Please see their website or contact Learning and Workforce Development Team via email on

Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Training Calendar 

This is a calendar of safeguarding training, events and bite-sized sessions across Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham. It also occasionally includes videos of previous sessions, such as bite-size session on Responding to Self-Neglect

VSL Learning

VSL offer elearning for free to charities with a turnover less than £100k, and at affordable prices for charities great than £100k, including safeguarding children, safeguarding adults, data protection and cyber security. The training is CPD accredited and learners can start and stop the training as often as required to fit around their own schedule and responsibilities. To receive the charity discount, when booking, please let them know you heard about them through RVA/ you are an RVA member organisation.

Safe CIC
Safe CIC offer a range of accredited safeguarding e-learning for organisations who deliver services to children and adults. They also have a course for safeguarding for trustees.

NSPCC offer online safeguarding training for organisations who deliver services to children and young people. They also have a trustee safeguarding course.

First Aid, Health and Safety, Data Protection and Cyber Security


Providing online training approved by the Health & Safety Executive, at £25+VAT or reduced for price for multiple purchases.

Online first aid training

Online food safety training 

Future Learn / Public Health England

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

Free cyber security elearning for small organisations for staff, volunteers and trustees to self-learn. This covers the basics of how to keep your organisation cyber safe.

VSL Consulting

VSL offer elearning at affordable prices for charities, including safeguarding children, safeguarding adults, data protection and cyber security. The training is CPD accredited and learners can start and stop the training as often as required to fit around their own schedule and responsibilities. Please let them know you heard about them through RVA when booking the courses.

Fundraising / Marketing

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) offer a free online tool to better understand the fundamentals of fundraising.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) offer a range of online training including some fundraising related training such as preparing a fundraising strategy and writing bids

The Media Trust
A charity that works in partnership with the media and creative industry to give marginalised groups a more powerful voice. They offer free or low-cost training on marketing topics for charities.


ACAS offer free e-learning, webinars and resources, and paid for online training options for those who manage staff.


Befriending Networks UK provide a comprehensive range of training materials and support from online webinars and courses to bespoke sessions.  Costs range from free to different rates for members and non-members. Details at

East Riding Voluntary Action’s Top Tips for Telephone Befriending:


Coaching Reading offer pro bono coaching sessions for managers or trustees in the voluntary and community sector in Reading. Read more here. Contact them through their website or email for more information and to take part.

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